Human-Robot Teaming Beyond Human Operational Speeds
2nd Robot Teammates Operating in Dynamic, Unstructured Environments (RT-DUNE)
ICRA 2019 Workshop
23 May 2019 · Room 520b
Keynote Speakers
The workshop format will include morning and afternoon keynote talks by researchers covering topics that are essential for addressing the workshop central topic.
Confirmed speakers in order of presentation:
- LTC Philip Root, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
- Michael Beetz, Universität Bremen
- Oussama Khatib, Stanford University / Ocean One
- Kris Hauser, Duke University
- Aude Billard, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
- Holly Yanco, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Poster Sessions
Posters: Two 45 minute poster sessions will be conducted (morning and afternoon) that will allow authors of selected submissions to present work in this research area, and interact with other researchers and government/industry participants. Selected submissions* that are highly relevant to the workshop theme will be invited to give short (15-minute) oral presentations.
Selected Poster Abstracts – Morning Session – 10:30
- Training Manned-Unmanned Teams via Curriculum-based Learning*, Shiraj Sen, Bradford Miller, Johan Reimann, Brandon Good, Steven Gray, John Hoare and Charles Theurer
- A Framework for Proactive and Adaptive Natural Language Interaction in Dynamic and Unstructured Environments, Siddharth Patki, Jacob Arkin, Ethan Fahnestock, and Thomas M. Howard
- Sketching Affordances for Human-in-the-loop Robotic Manipulation Tasks, Sina Masnadi, Joseph J. LaViola Jr., Jana Pavlasek, Xiaofan Zhu, Karthik Desingh and Odest Chadwicke Jenkins
- Inferring the level of collaboration in object handover tasks: From one-to-one to one-to-many, Heramb Nemlekar and Zhi Li
- Integrating a Multi-Modal Interface in an On-Water Human-Robot Teaming Testbed, Michael Novitzky, Caileigh Fitzgerald, Danielle Gleason, Paul Robinette, and Michael R. Benjamin
- WaveToFly: Control a UAV using Body Gestures, Shixin Li and Henrik I. Christensen
- DQN-TAMER: Human-in-the-Loop Reinforcement Learning with Intractable Feedback, Riku Arakawa, Sosuke Kobayashi, Yuya Unno, Yuta Tsuboi, Shin-ichi Maeda
- A Differentiable Policy for Shared Autonomy, Yoojin Oh, Hangbeom Kim, Marc Toussaint, and Jim Mainprice
- Simultaneous Collaborative Mapping and Reasoning in Dynamic Unstructured Environments*, Yufeng Yue, Chule Yang, Jun Zhang, Mingxing Wen, Bo Dai and Danwei Wang
Selected Poster Abstracts – Afternoon Session – 14:00
- Enabling Efficient Team Cooperation by Understanding Modes of Human-robot Interactions*, Priyam Parashar, Lindsay M. Sanneman, Henrik I. Christensen, Julie A. Shah
- The Emotionally Intelligent Robot: Improving Social Human-Robot Teaming in Crowded Environments, Aniket Bera, Tanmay Randhavane, and Dinesh Manocha
- On-line Human Intervention for Robot Behavior Adaptation, Maggie Wigness and John G. Rogers III
- Bayesian-Markov Feedback in Constraint-based Planning, Matthew A. Schack and Neil T. Dantam
- Gesture Control and Situation Awareness in Underwater Human-Robot Teams, Antonella Wilby
- Modeling human perception-action coordination in VR telepresence, Alexandra Valiton, Heramb Nemlekar, and Zhi Li
- Learning to Plan Under Variable Assistance, Rohan Chitnis, Jessica Yu, Lilian Luong, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Tomas Lozano-Perez
- Activity Recognition by Learning from Human and Object Attributes, Brian Reily, Qingzhao Zhu, and Hao Zhang
- A Human-Robot Collaborative System for Unknown Area Exploration, Vinayak Honkote, Dibyendu Ghosh, Karthik Narayanan, Ganeshram Nandakumar, and Akshat Mittal
- Graph Embedding for the Division of Robotic Swarms, Brian Reily, Christopher Reardon, Hao Zhang
Discussion Panels
Morning Panel – 10:45
The morning panel will consist of members of organizations (government and industry) that sponsor research for attendees to learn from international experts in defining the real-world problems that motivate this work.
- LTC Philip Root, Acting Deputy Director, Tactical Technology Office, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
- Dr. Stuart Young, Program Manager, Artifcial Intelligence for Maneuver and Mobility, Army Research Laboratory
- Dr. Todd Danko, Principal Roboticist, General Electric Global Research
Afternoon Panel – 16:15
The afternoon panel will bring together experts in both the problem and solution areas for an open discussion with the attendees to further understanding and discuss future directions.
- Holly Yanco, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
- Kris Hauser, Duke University
- Nicholas Roy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Henrik Christensen, University of California, San Diego
Schedule – 23 May – Room 520b
Time | Speaker/Event | Topic |
8:55 | Workshop Organizers | Welcome and Introduction |
9:00 | LTC Philip Root (DARPA) | Tactical Autonomy and Decision Frameworks |
9:30 | Shiraj Sen (GE Global Research) | Training Manned-Unmanned Teams via Curriculum-based Learning |
9:45 | Yufeng Yue (NTU Singapore) | Simultaneous Collaborative Mapping and Reasoning in Dynamic Unstructured Environments |
10:00 | Poster Session / Coffee | |
10:45 | Research Sponsors | Panel Discussion – Motivation and Problems |
11:30 | Michael Beetz (Bremen) | Virtual Knowledge Bases Applied to Human-Robot Interaction |
12:00 | Priyam Parashar (UCSD) and Lindsay Sanneman (MIT) | Enabling Efficient Team Cooperation by Understanding Modes of Human-robot Interactions |
12:30 | Lunch Break | |
13:30 | Oussama Khatib (Stanford) | The Age of Human-Robot Collaboration |
14:00 | Kris Hauser (Duke) | Engineering the robot-operator interface: lessons from the TRINA tele-nursing project |
14:30 | Aude Billard (EPFL) | Learning Bimanual Coordination Tasks to Support Humans |
15:00 | Poster Session / Coffee Break | |
15:45 | Holly Yanco (UMass Lowell) | Evaluating Human Robot Teaming |
16:15 | Workshop Organizers and Guests | Panel Discussion – Solutions and Path Forward |
17:00 | End |

This workshop is supported by the RAS Technical Committees on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics and Mobile Manipulation.
*Ocean One photograph courtesy of Frederic Osada Teddy Seguin, DRASSM and Stanford University.